Friday 16 March 2012

Another lousy nights sleep last night. This is becoming a habit I don't want to get into - but I am not shirking things today. I am meeting Margaret for a swim at 8 then going straight onto work. I have had a healthy breakfast, packed a healthy lunch and will ablute at the swimming pool - so all I have to do is get dressed and go. Margaret will drop me off at the hospital - I am not going to wimp out and drive to the pool!!! At least I hope not. Last night I ran a small psychic development circle - and it was an interesting experience. I am not sure yet where it going - and it may fail - but all I can do is try. I am not going to have time to meditate before I go out - but as I told Marie last night blogging is a form of meditation. It will have to do this morning!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sally...are you suffering Insomnia? Is this something that has happened before? I hope you can sort it out quickly, it's so exhausting.