Saturday 31 March 2012

Law of sttraction

Today one of the stories on the news is about the uSA lottery. One ticket has one over $500,000 . Wow what would I do with that sort of money. I used that story - and the fact that most people will start playing' what if' - to get my FB group to do visualisation . I was sneaky really. I started by asking them to play what if then asked them if they could see themselves accepting the cheque, how they looked......then got them to try and see how they had imagined themselves. I have been thinking a lot about the Law of Attraction over the past couple of days. Marie has lent me the CD all about it. I think she is hoping it will magically transform me!!! In fact what I have head so far is a more guru-ish cultist version of what I learned in CYLI7D and through my hypnotherapy training. I was rather reminded of the mantra of the satanist ;Do what thou will shall be the whole of the law' And that has a very dark aspect to it. I am sure the universe must impose limits. There is no doubt our thoughts are very powerful - and for that reason we need to be disciplined in our thought and think usefully and resourcefully. My resolution this year was to be the best me I can be. What does that mean? Can I tighten up on that and use it as a springboard to think more resourcefully about the areas of my life where I seem to be blocked. I think I am clear what I want, but maybe I need to focus more. I was cringing while I listened to Marie's CD - but it did get me thinking about how the Law of Attraction is supposed to work and whether I am using it as effectively as I could. This is life coaching 101 territory really. Reality is what we think it is. reality id what we experience through our senses and in our brains. How ww think affects how we feel and act. So how does this link in the first paragraph I wrote? Well for me what Marie doesn't get about the Law of Attraction is that is isn't just about wanting and believing. The want and belief need to be inline with our self image that reflects ones TRUE self. Changing self image is one of they key things to do with someone who wants to slim down - and I try to get them to do it with visualisation. Then they need to step into and EXPERIENCE it not just stand outside it. Tats the bit I don't think Marie gets. I wish I understood why Marie has been drawn into my life. It is the law of attraction in action . I suspect it is to teach me something - maybe HOW to teach??

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