Monday 19 March 2012

Its been a struggle this morning as I feel tired ....but I have eaten, washed and dressed, blogged meditated (sort of) and made myself some lunch. I am tired because we were late home from Wolverhampton last night. But yesterday I used the wii fit for 30 minutes, ate fairly healthily and didn't have a snack fest at the game. I took a cereal bar and an apple. Much better for me. So why have I been repaid by a slight IBS flare up this morning? Life isn't fair at times. I still feel rather sh*tty with my post mothers day blues............ but there is no point in telling Steve IO am upset. Its not HIS fault he doesn't know it means more to me than he knows. And a compliment doesn't mean anything if it is asked for. I had an interesting talk with H last night - and I am taking my Kaballah book into work to read at lunchtime. I got seeds planted yesterday. So I now have Mustard and cress growing on the windowsill and peas in pots in the garden. Fingers crossed

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