Saturday 24 March 2012

I have just posted in my FB group about the importance of visualising not only how you will look when you have reached your goal, but also visualising your day going well. My mentoring posts on FB and ym blogging on here are both important strategies in helping me do that. So lest ut it down in black and white. What will I look like when I reach my goal? Well I will be a size 16. OK at 5"2" thats still quite large - but I am big busted - and nothing is going to alter that. Do I have an image of how I will look? Yes. I see myself in jeans or trousers with real curves - but much smaller round the hips than I am now. So what about today? What is on my agenda. I need to go and pick up a parcel that wouldn't g through the letter box. It arrived while Tony was going his reading yesterday. I need to do some shopping - and I do need to deliver some leaflets. I am going to focus on exercising by going jobs today, That could be the leaflets or straining the new doors upstairs - but I think the leaflets are more urgent. I haven't had breakfast yet I am not really hungry - but I must eat before I go out. But I don;t know what I want. My IBS is still in play, I have had to resort to Movicol, and I feel fat and bloated - which tends to put me off food a bit. I have been drinking LOADS tho. I just can't decide what I really WANT to eat at the moment I know the meal tonight will be a takeaway to celebrate Steve's success. Probably pizza. But that is tonight and I will need to eat between breakfast and dinner. .........hmmmmm........ I reminded my group that failing to plan meant planning to fail. And I suggested the visualisations are a way of planning. I haven't been doing visualisations - just like I haven't been doing meditation on a regular basis. I need to take my own advice don't I!!

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