Sunday 11 March 2012

Getting back into good habits

I am determined to get back into the blogging habit. Even if no-one is reading what I post, just putting thigns down on paper really helps me focus. OK yesterday was a reasonable food day. Looking back I realise I didn't have a single biscuit. Yay for me!! I had lots of fruit. And we had tea from the chippy. Half my chips never made it ti the plate and are still in the fridge. Yum chip butty later in the week. I walked to Northfield and back rather than use the car. And I have to go up again today and I intend to walk again. I meditated yesterday - with some interesting results - recorded in my other blog. THIS blog is for life changes - including hopefully changes in me as I move towards being healthier and slimmer. So I haven't eaten today - but I am not hungry. My next move is going to be to have some water - since I am thirsty - and then go and meditate. I also want to include in this blog at least one record of something that happened each day that I can see as being positive or affirming that I am doing things right - that I can have confidence in myself and what I am doing. Yesterday this was a moving one. I got a text from the reiki- attuned daughter of one of my hospice patients telling me she was near the end and asking advice on what she could do. A couple of hours later I got a message from her father telling me his wife had died - and that he would let me know funeral arrangements. I felt totally honoured that the family wanted to contact me at a time like that. Thats why I love my work at the hospice - unpaid as it is. And I have a feeling I may well see this family again as I believe they may contact me for reiki or hypnotherapy in the future. I KNOW really helped not just my patient but the family as well. I can be confident. And if I can be confident about that - I can be confident that meditation will help me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am back reading Sally!