Wednesday 9 December 2009

Why is notjing working?

Yesterday blogger played up and I lost a post. This morning the balance board was playing up so I could only so 15 minutes of exercise . Sometimes you just feel the universe is against you.

I am not in a good mood this morning.

Food went well yesterday. My biscuit consumption was ZERO!! But I didnt eat dinner as slowly as I could have done. But pizza and chips was delicious.

I have received a cheque from one of Edna's banks so we are half way to having the estate wound up.

Work was OK yesterday. I managed to improve my relationship with a very well meaning but abrasive new resident pharmacist at work. If I am honest one reason why she anoys me is she reminds me a little of me at the same stage - ecxept she is far worse than I ever was. It doesnt help that she is completely scientific and mechanistic in her approach to everything and everyone - including patients! I can't imagine her buying into the idea of the healing arts at all.

OK today hasn't started that well - but I HAVE worked out a bit. I HAVE had a healthy breakfast eaten slowly.

I am stuggling to concentrate on the positive today for some reason and I dont know why.

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