Sunday 13 December 2009

Taking action

I normally ignore the team brief digest from Sparkpeople. Something prompted me to look at todays and I found these words in the featured post

'By taking action we are taking control of our lives. No one else is driving the car. We are the driver! SparkPeople tools are the ideal means to helping us take action toward our goals. They help us not just to lose weight and get fit; they are the tools to help us transform our lives.

It seems like such an easy thing to do, but there have been times I have been paralyzed by frustration, fear, and plain ol� tiredness of putting in all the hard work and not getting the results I wanted or expected. But since there are some aspects on this journey that I could never control, the scale being one of them, I did take control over those areas that I could and this was all done via that one tiny word--ACTION.'

It was that bit about driving the car. It was words similar to that that set me off on my journey 3 years ago. I took action then my working through CYLI7D. Also I feel frustrated at the moment becasue I am not getting the results I wanted in my weight loss jorney or in my development as a reiki therapist..

I needed to read this post the re-assure me that I am on the right track in both areas. I just need to keep on the way I am going and have faith that things will happen.

You can tell how out of sorts I was. I didnt post yesterday. And blogging is part of the action because I so often blog myself into a positive frame of mind.

So yesterday food went well all things considered. i went to meet Jane and Bob to swap presents and cards. We have a meal together - and I finished my meal AFTER both of them. I wasn't conciously thinking 'I must eat slowly' I just did.

We had a chinese meal last night and I couldn't eat all mine and only had about half the rice the restaurant allow (we never have a portion of rice per person) . No biscuits, no mince pies and Steve was highly surprised to discover I dont keep crisps in any more.

I didnt quite hit my calorie goal for exercise yesterday but did hit 32 minutes. But I have over acheived every day this week so my weekly target has been met easily.

I have exercised every day for 3 weeks too. The wii fit was quite impressed!!

I was in the doldrums and I dont know why. But I am coming out them now. The word is 'ACTION'

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