Friday 18 December 2009

Talking positive

'New me' got me thinking with her blog appeal to end negative thoughts. I know that what you focus on you get more of. So am I being positive or negative?

Lets see how many positive things I can say about me and what I am doing today

I have clocked up 4 weeks of exercise with the wii fit with no missed days

I have decided on spending money (but less than 20 pounds a month!) to keep my hair styled and my legs waxed. I am also going to get a lip and chin wax next time. Its what I call a L'Oreal moment 'because I am worth it'

I have a 'dream' that gives my life purpose - I am not just drifting.

Compared with many people my age I am in VERY good health. I am certainly in better health than my sister and brother-in-law.

I have a LOT to be positive about.

This morning I have hit BOTH targets with my routine. I was 10 calories short so just did a couple of extra yoga exercises. Now will I still do some free stepping tonight? Normally I do it to hit my calorie target. I probably will because Its now a habit and I think I am past what the guru calls the tipping point. Its easier to do it than NOT to do it

Food yesterday was OK ish. Lunch on the run is never good - but it it saved me from snacking later.

But I cooked pasta for dinner - healthy. I ate fairly slowly - but probably not slowly enough. But I am trying .

I havent commented specifically about how I think I look. I know when I take the trouble with my clothes I look good. I still can't look at myself naked and think I look good. I need Gok I think lol!

I do feel positive this morning.


Anonymous said...

Hi Sally, only recently found your blog and gradually reading back through it. I liked your post on being positive (also, I need Gok too!)

Best wishes & wishing you a happy christmas and new year.

Diane, Fit to the Finish said...

I think thinking positive and looking at all the positive things you have accomplished is a great way to stay motivated! Excellent idea.