Sunday 27 December 2009

And the holiday continues

Yesterday we had Tony's Mum round. Steve came over as well. So we had a running buffet going. Food yesterday wasn't brilliant - but I grazed. No big meals - just lots of little snacks.

Today Darren is coming to stop with us until Wednesday. Tomorrow we have a party for any friends of his that want to pop in. So that will be MORE party food. But I am happy that my consumption of mince pies and sweets has been very VERY much less than normal. So something is working.

I have done free step and enough other other exercises to JUST hit both my targets this morning.

OK so what about my goals for next year?

Well one is very clear. I want to achieve level two reiki. By the end of 2010 I want to have given at least 5 reiki sessions for which have been paid.

I will set aside at least 15 minutes every day for meditation. And once a week I will do self healing. I need to get into a routine with both of these if I am to make progress with reiki.

My third goal is to take the time to visit the hairdresser and beautician. I will keep up with the waxing . It sounds a small thing but knowing my legs are not horrible and hairy makes me feel better about myself and my appearance. By taking the time (and money) to keep myself looking good I affirm my beleif in myself. I remind myself that I matter.

And that leads on to my next resolution to keep on with my exercise routines. They are doing me so much good. I feel much better and I am sure they will help me to lose weight.

OK so where is the massive goal - where do I say I want to lose 4 stone ? Or the 5 st 7lbs the wii fit tells me I need to lose to acheive my ideal weight? Its not there. I would LOVE to lose weight - but I am not setting myself for an unrealistic target. I want realistic targets - that I can hopefully exceed. I want to be an over achiever not an under achiever.

So yes weight loss is one of my goals. I would like to end 2010 7 lbs lighter than I start it. I would be really pleased if I ended it 14 lbs lighter. And totally ecstatic if I lost 21 lbs. But as long as the general trend in my weight is down I will be happy.

This is a first draft of my resolutions . I need to think about them a little more - but so far they feel right.

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