Tuesday 15 December 2009

How do I get out of this place??

The Sparkpeople daily reflection

History is written all around you every day. It may not be history that makes the college textbooks, but it's your history just the same. Do you make your own history? Or do you endure the life that others make for you? When you choose a direction and dedicate yourself to it, you make history. When you listen to naysayers who convince you that it can't be done, you endure history. When you set your priorities and stick to them, you make history. When you get distracted by things that you find useless, you endure it. When you decide to have a good day, you create a life you want. When you allow outside forces to dictate your mood, you get the life that's given to you. There are an infinite number of possible histories out there, waiting to be lived. Whatever your life has been up to this point doesn't matter. What counts is the history that awaits you in the future. Which do you choose?

Normally when I read a reflection that means something it motivates me. I understand todays very well - but it just emphasises how stuck I am.

Yesterday was a bad day for food. It wen wrong the moment I got home when Tony offerred me the biscuit barrel with my cup of tea. I said yes - and that started the rot. It turned into a biscuit fest. Why?

I was tired all day yesterday and this morning I still feel lethargic. I have done about 15 minutes workout with light routines . Pat on the back time - I turned the wii fit on and used it. But I am not motivated this morning. I am sitting here with the tv on and al lights blazing when normally I would only have one light on and have the news programme running on my lap top to save power. This morning I need comfort.

I think one problem is that I am 'enduring' RHH at the moment. Can I take any action that will put me back in charge of that bit of my life?

One good thing from yesterday was the Rob - who sadly is experiencing a lot of pain at the moment - jumped at the suggestion of some reiki. So he is having a second treatment tomorrow.

One good thing to counterbalance what feels like a whole day of bad. I really AM in a very bad place at the moment. I need to deal with how I am feeling as a priority - and that means trying to understand why I feel the way I do. Lets hope I can do a fruitful meditation this morning

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