Thursday 31 December 2009

Ending on a positive note

Who is standing in your way?

Imagine someone regularly tying small weights around your ankles as you try to climb a mountain. Doesn't sound fair, does it? But that's exactly what you can do to yourself, a little bit at a time, if you don't watch out. When you think of who and what is standing in the way of your dreams, it's easy to forget your own responsibility. Even the best of us can be guilty of unknowingly hurting our own progress. Procrastination, lateness, being disorganized, pessimism, not being honest with yourself, severe self-criticism, downplaying achievements, focusing only on weaknesses while ignoring strengths, keeping goals a secret, demanding perfection, giving up after a small setback--these are all ways you can make it tough to be (and do) your best. Smart systems, the right attitude, and a promise to keep going no matter what will make a world of difference.

I realised my own ability to sabotage myself several years ago. Sometimes you are person it is hardest to be honest with about whether you are doing well or badly.

I didnt go to qo work yesterday and I am not going today. As well as the niggly back , I started feeling a bit tight in my chest and have developed a cough. I realised i was also TIRED. I think all the stress of the past few months with Edna finally caught up with me.

Anyway I didnt exercise properly yesterday and dont intend to do so today. I think I may need to rethink some of the exercises I do. I think my back maybe playing up because of the choice of exercises.

We have friends coming round tonight to help us see in the new year and I am looking foreward to that especially as some of them will be people we haven't seen for some time.

I am still listening to my body and the messages it is giving me - and as long as I continue to do that I know I will get over this little health hiccup.

And I am going to make 2010 a good year for me and mine in all sorts of ways

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