Friday 16 October 2009

After the funeral

Its over. We survived although I broke during my reading. Everyone seemed to feel the tone was right .

We got an really well with Bill (Doug's nephew) and Rachel and Amy (Kieith's daughter and grandaughter . Keith is June's brother , and Edna's nephew through Sylvia)

Steve is interested to get to know this new layer of his family and wants to go to Evesham to talk to Bill and see his photo's. Rachel is into the paranormal and also has lots of photo's so the intention is to go and visit her at some point, sort out some photo's and identify who they are, and do some ghost hunting at the same time as they are close to a location used by the MH team.

As they are on FB it is going to be easy to keep in touch.

I did do 20 minutes free stepping. I couldn't face much food but now the funeral is over my stomach has settled so I have eaten cake and biscuits and am looking forward to kasagne and baked spud which is currently in the oven

I am exhausted tho.

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