Friday 17 April 2009

Thinking positive

I am managing to do that....just.

The day has started well. Breakfast of one weetabix and a banana with some yoghurt,

15 minute workout (10 minutes of yoga and 5 of step basics)

I am tired as I didn't sleep that well - but also didn't have a total insomniac night.

I have used the car every day to get to work - but I knew that would happen because of Edna coming home.

I need to make plans for doing exercise while I am not at work. (Although decorating and gardening will probably provide some!)

I need to get information about support for Edna long term and decide if I am going to become a rgeular part of her care teram - in whihc case work of any sort will probably be out. If as I hope that doesn't happen I need to put out feelers for community work during May if hospigtal work isn't available.

I have a plan ....therefore I AM in control and there is no need for me to get stressed and start comfort eating eating.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My brother (who has dealt with so much) once told me that when I feel really down and stressed to smile as big as I can and I will feel more positive and happier. i thought he was bonkers but it works