Thursday 16 April 2009

A better day - for food at least.

Food has gone well. A couple of biscuits - but everything else has been healthy. I did a lovely dinner of lamb on a bed of marinaded courgette ribbons with cous cous. Quick ,healthy and delicious.

I am stressed - VERY stressed indeed. And I can see some wine being drunk tonight. But I have no desire to pig out.

I was talking to Sam Long today about the programme. I think I may have got her interested enough to give it a go. She did raise objections - but had to accept my counter arguments.

Talking about it to someone else has renewed my cinfidence and belief in the programme. Thinking about what the programme means has been insightful for me.

I now know I have no work for the next two weeks at least - and I am SSOOOOOO glad. I think Edna is going to take a LOT of my time . Someone ids looking after me - maing sure I don't have to combine work with caring for Edna

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I hope you enjoyed relaxing with a glass of wine...sounds like you really needed it -xox-