Tuesday 21 April 2009

Geting out of the doldrums

There is no doubt I am very much in the doldrums at the moment. I know a lot of it is down to the fact that I just don't have any control over what is going on. If Edna knew she might believe I really did understand why she is so fed up - becasue I know she feels as if life is slipping out of her control. And sadly she is right - but that's because of her illness. However I don't have dementia and should have the mental capacity to use reason and logic to get myself out the situation I find myself.

So lets start with the big problem - Edna. I really don;t have any control over this and can only go with the flow. But that is an issue for my other blog.

Work or the lack of it. I need to give myself a huge kick up the backside about this one. Pharmacists are in short supply. Hospital work has dried up becasue of budgetary considerations that will hopefully vanish in May. I can always activate my PPLS registration and get some community work through them. The agency that contacted me yesterday may find me some suitable work - although that would be permanent so the salary would be lower. The work not be exactly what I would like to do - but when I am ready I am sure work will be available. I just broke off from blogging to email the agency -who gave me the impression the closest work they could find me was in Warwickshire - to ask if my details could be passed on to whoever deals with Birmingham. Its my own fault as the original advert I responded to was for positions in Wrawickshire - but then I was putting out feelers for anything even vaguely local.

My weight. I know this isn't going well. Biscuits and crisps (my normal downfalls) have been back on the menu. Paul gives some advice in his book in the Question and answer section. Apparently some people contact him and say 'Why has the programme stopped working?' His answer is always - 'You are not following the programme' and he advises them to concentrate on slowing their eating right down. Thats what I am going to do. Hopefully that will give me back the control I seem to be lacking at the moment

Steve's house is making progress. The living room should be decorated by the end of this week. And that mean our house is that much closer to being sorted out too

My problems really aren't that out of control - except for Edna - so I have no need to feel as down as I do. And I am doing what I can.

As Jim is plastering at Steve's today I will concentrate on this house - and maybe the garden since it is lovely and sunny. Some fresh air and sunshine will do me the power of good!!


Sally said...

The great use of life is to spend it for something that will outlast it.

- William James, philosopher and psychologist

Living a Meaningful Life

Looking for meaning? Having trouble figuring out how to make a difference? The answer may be closer and simpler than you think. Ask yourself: If I were gone tomorrow, what will I be most proud of having left behind? The answer will be different for each of us, but it may tell you something about why you're here. Your answer can be as involved as a foundation you helped start, or as simple as a favorite picture that you took. Something will be here when you're gone. What would you like it to be? What one thing would tell the world what you were all about? Maybe it's your child. Maybe you're already working on something that could turn into one of your greatest accomplishments. If so, give it your all. The more of yourself that goes into it now, the more people will be able to see you later on.

A timely reminder that I think I needed

Anonymous said...

I like the quote. I can understand that the Edna issues are very emotionally taxing.

she is very lucky to have you in her life