Tuesday 28 April 2009

Oh yes I am trying .......and how!

I hope it isn't possible to overdose on trances - because I may be at risk if it is. Last night I listened to the weight loss CD and this morning I listened to 'Change your life in 7 days'. I feel energised and very positive. I know this is mainly due to my acticity yesterday when I made a plan - and did everything that needed doing - plus a bit more.

I haven't exercised yet this morning but that will be next move after breakfast. I am eating my breakfast slowly and I strongly suspect I wont be able to finish it.

I did much better with food yesterday. I did have some biscuits - but was also able to refuse them when I was offered some. I didn't snack during the game last night. I have also realised that I HAVE LOST NEARLY HALF A STONE. 12 weeka ago when I got the Wiifit I would have been delighted to realise I would have lost so much weight in such a relatively short time - and with so little pain in the food department.

The facts in front of me are the same as yesterday. What has changed is my perspective on them. And that is what all Pauls programmes are about - changing your perspective to give yourself a different view of whatever you are trying to address whether it is weight loss, insomnia, smoking, depression or seemingly intractable personal issues. I think the story that best typifies his approach is of the man who ate an airoplane. It took him a long long time and he did it one small piece at a time - but he did it. Paul helps me break down huge unmanageable issues to little manageable tasks. So I dont sit here thinking 'help I cant possibly lose 4 stone - and I really should be trying to lose 6 stone' I sit hear dealing with THIS meal and planning my next excercise session, and my work for today. And hey in 6 weels or 12 weeks time I may suddenly realise I have lost ANOTHER half a stone.

I think why Paul's method works for me is that it speaks to something fundamental in my personaility. The side of me that refuses to write of homeopathy as bunkum despite the scorn of some of my fellow professionals. The side of me that wants to explore the paranormal and see if I have any psychic ability. I would love to see if someone who was totally materialistic could use Paul's programmes. I susoect not. I know someone who bought 'I can make you thin' but wrotw it off becasue she 'fell asleep' listening to the CD and decided it couldnt possibly work. She was a no-nonsense utterly practical type of person. Me - I am a dreamer and always have been.

Anyway as therapeutic and enjoyable as this writing is, it is time to staop thinking and start doing.

And for the record - my breakfast is unfinished.


Anonymous said...

LOL surely a trance OD is a good thing?

sounds like a great day for you (just read on FB about your workout)

My day started not so great, put on some pants that I normally wear and they are tight. Although my attitude was much better - rather than stressing I reminded myself that they are always tighter after a wash and that I just need to get back into my running more

Sally said...

Hope you get back into the running routine soon. Think how great you will feel when you do.