Thursday 2 April 2009

Food gorious food

I cannot beleive how well food went yesterday!! Having not felt hungry before I left for work, I manged to eat a bit here and there all day. Lunch was a triumph. I could only manage the sandwich I didn't eat on Monday and half the fruit salad I had prepared. I had a cereal bar during my morning session in the despensary, had an orange while I was visiting Edna, and for dinner I had a qurter of a pizza with salad. While I was on my way home I decided to do some shopping and got a fancy for crusty bread, so I bought some and had some thin (well thinner than the doorstops I would normally have) clices of that bread with some thinner than normal slicces of cheese. Thoroughly enjoyed it and had no temptation to pig out.

It really worked like a dream.

And this morning I managed ro clokc up 16 minutes on the Wii fit with no problem and great enjoyment.

I do feel MUCH humgriere than yesterday though, so my cereal may well be supplemented with something else. I've finished my cereal (1 shredded wheat with some dried fruit and yoghurt) and still feel genuinely hungry .

Lunch will be interesting as I am meeting Julie for lunch all being well. We will be in the coffee shop - but I am very confident I will still stick to the golden rules.

I didn't sleep well last night which is a slight fly in the ointment - but that apart I am feeling good, focussed and ready to be productive. I may even walk to work since the chances of Edna being discharged today are almost nil. Maybe I SHOULD walk on the grounds that sods law says she will be dischargned at the nost inconvenient time for me.

On a more serious note I am a bit concerned by the way I seem to be rocketing up and down in my mood. There is undoubtedly a message for me in there and I must listen to my 'soul' to try and undertsnad what it is telling me. I suspect it is no coincidence I felt the need to dip into 'Care of the Soul' last night. My subconcious is very good at giving me messages I must keep dipping until I find the bit that gives me that Eureka moment.


Anonymous said...

That is great that you had a great day yesterday :)

Sally said...

I arrived home late and very tired.But did some therapeutic cooking - and made a delicious vegetarian meal with pasta. I didn't get on the Wii fit tonight. But I resisted the urge to nibble biscuits. I am under a lot of stress - and will almost certainly have something VERY alcoholic tonight.But on the whole I feel I am doing well