Sunday 1 November 2009

A day as grey as the weather

Do something for somebody every day for which you don't get paid.

- Albert Schweitzer, philosopher, musicologist, doctor

The beneficial beauty of selfless acts

Al was a smart man. He knew that generous acts benefit everyone, including yourself. The small actions you take now, no matter how insignificant they may seem, can have profound effects that you may never know about. Sometimes, just living as a good example has the power to inspire. Not quite as well-known are the physical and mental benefits that being a positive force can have for you. When you help others, stress decreases and causes less physical harm. Work and athletic performance improve. A positive attitude appears. And the mind is eased as troubles are put in perspective. Doing for others can involve a small gesture (pick up trash, write a note of encouragement, offer to mow your neighbor's lawn) or an ambitious undertaking (volunteer at a neighborhood center, mentor a coworker, work with disadvantaged youth). Make a habit of thinking "What can I do today to make someone's life easier

The weather is awful today Rain is tipping down. And that seems an appropriate backdrop for today when I am doing to be doinh something that I hope will help someone else. Trouble is the someone else is a friend who is dying and the act is to go and see her, But at least that reflection piece encourages me I am meant to go so it means I can help. I knew I would go as soon as I got her e-mail because she said she would like to see me before she dies. So I am doing something for her - but suspect my help may be more for her husband.

What were the plus sides of food and exercise yesterday. Well I ate what I wanted and did try to docus and enjoy and eat slowly. I didnt manage to finish my fish and chips. But I did have some biscuits later when I wasn't that hungry. But I did do a full 30 minute workout.

So a mixed day - but not total failure. But this morning I feel bloated and blah.

I feel like I need a thorough detox or something similar. Maybe I jiust need to eat a healthier diet. Did I REALLY enjoy the fish and chips last night???


Anonymous said...

I am really sorry to read about your friend Sally :(

Sally said...

Thanks Sharon.It isn't that we are close friends - but we have spent the last 30 odd years bumping into each other at regular intervals.