Wednesday 4 November 2009

Positive thoughts

Is your worrying holding you back?

Once film negatives are exposed to the light of day, they're ruined. In the same way, once you see your worries for what they are--self-inflicted doubts--their power disappears. If you give your doubts and fears too much development time, they'll take hold and start to color all of your thinking in a negative light. Pessimists have more health problems, are less productive, and are generally unhappier than optimists. People that don't worry as much spend more time coping with the realities of life and less time occupied with would-be problems. To get rid of worry, think more confidently. Know that you can handle anything that comes along. Know that with loss comes opportunity. Know that things generally have a way of working out. Stay out of that dark room and picture something better.

I have to say I think I have learned to stay out the darkroom. In the 3 years since I did CYLI7D my health HAS improved, I DO achieve more, and I am a LOT happier.

And I have been assailed by positive thoughts this morning - without really trying. I have realised it has been a long LOBG time since I felt I couldn't bend my knees without lots of pain, I am posiitve my cholsterol is down because the fat depostis under my eye are smaller. I did a good workout this morning (step plus x 2, island lap, 2 mucle and 2 yoga excercises) and found myself thinking 'How man=y other 57 year olds do you know who could do that?'

Actually the question isn't how many other people do that but how many are bothered. I am taking responsibility for my own physical and mental health. Thats the big step most people don't take

I have also realised I am no longer ashamed of my figure.New Me got me thinking yesterday. A few years ago i woudl NEVER have put full length photos of me on FB. I dont mind being in pics now. I look at them and think I am not satsfied with my apperance - but I still think I look OK. I guess I have learned to love myself.

Food yesterday went much better. Lunch was a positive experience. I really enjoyed the chip butty I had for lunch (only a few chips) and as a result I snacked a lot a less. I didnt feel as hungry. That is a lesson I MUST remember.

I have got the wii fit plus set up - but not used it yet because it wants to do a body test - and cowardice is making me put it off. I don't want to have conclusive proof that far from losing weight since I began my 90 day initiative I have put it on.I am being ridiculous. Avoiding it doesn't change the facts. And so what if I have put on weight? I have been through a LOT of upset recently. I should be able to forgive myself for being human. I WILL use the new programme tomorrow morning

1 comment:

NewMe said...

Hi Sally,

Wow, I'm so glad to be of help!

I'm going through a little phase of negativity right now for several reasons, so I really enjoyed the shot of positivity in your post.