Sunday 29 November 2009

Time management

I often do feel as if I have too much to do and not enough time to do it in. But a conversation yesterday when I found myself advising someone to say no sometimes has got me wondering how many of my time dilemmas are self inflicted

For instance why do I feel I MUST do a 30 minutes workout each day? And why MUST it be in the morning? I know I need structure to what I do, and I am the kind of person who works best to a deadline but the structure and the deadline need purpose. If they don't then they are pointless and just cause stress as you try to work within them and guilt when you fail. Thats the whole idea behind Paul's plan. You can't cheat so there is no need for guilt . The only rule is to follow the rules.

Did I follow the rules yesterday. Well i didnt too badly. I did fine until I got to Jenny's huse for the circle. I bought some sandwiches to eat as I drove down. I ate one and realised I wasn't hungry so left the other in the packet - and it is now in the fridge. But jenny supplied us with biscuits and then liquorice allsorts. I am afraid I succumbed to too many. And I can't honesty say I was hungry when I ate them. But when I got home things went OK. I coked rather than have a takeaway. I had an apple probably an hour after I finished the chilli - but I did have a couple of biscuits . Also I was hungry when I went to bed so I took a cereal bar up with me - but I really WAS hungry.

I even did 20 minutes free step while watching tv yesterday evening.

So all in all not too bad. Today has started OK. I am staring at the wii fit (I had a tidy uop yesterday so there is more room to use it now!) and thinking 'shall I or shan't I' I have had breakfast (a toasted bagel yum) some water some fruit juice and a large mug of coffee . I have stuff to put down in my other blog and I am undecided whether to do that or 'move my body'

Tuning in I am still a bit sleepy and have a few niggles here and there. My stomach is still telling me I am hungry but I dont really fancy anything to eat. Emotionally I feel focussed which is good. The thought or question in my mind is how can I make progress with my meditations.

I can excercise later. The other blog is my priority at the moment.

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