Saturday 28 November 2009

Road blocks to success

Todays reflection was about imaginary monsters that impede your progress and how a confident approach is best. Grasp a thistle timidly and it pricks you - grasp it firmly and the spines crumble. Roadblocks can be beaten if you make a confident approach even if you only progress an inch at a time.

I have decided to see if I can identify my roadblocks in my weight loss programme and in life generally .

Eat when you are hungry - my lunch break at work is taken to suit the department not me so sometimes I get hungry before I can take my break. More rarely I have to have my lunch before I am truly hungry

Eat what you want - preparing my lunch in advance and what Tony doesn't want to eat at tea time make this tricky at times

Eat slowly - this is down to practice mainly - but a 30 minutes lunch break doesn't encourage slow eating especially when I know I wont be able to eat again until I am out of the dispensary so I feel I have to eat enough to stop me getting hungry. This also impacts on ...........

Stop before you are full. Again this is down to practice - but see above

Drink water - I can't have water with me in the dispensary so have to keep vanishing to the tea room so I have to wait until it is convenient to vanish for a minute or 2

Decluttering and getting the house better organised - its the scale of the task that defeats me.Plus the fact that I think Tony doesn't really see the problem the same way I do. But I HAVE made a start and am trying to tackle it small chaotic area at a time. I must pick my area to this weekend!!

Earning money other than by going to RHH every day. I need to make sure I have the skills necessary to work somewhere else whether that is in the community, or working as a reiki practitioner. I have to be thankful that work at RHH is quite congenial even if it is not excatly what I want.

But making sure I have the skills means practicing the necessary skills - and that takes time

I think time is my biggest problem . Maybe that is what I REALLY have to organise.

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