Monday 16 November 2009

Food is so much easier now

I have never had a holiday where I have found food so easy to manage. Today we had a brunch. I had a panini - and could only manage half of it. So I wrapped the other hald up and ate it later when I was hungry. I was still quite full when we popped in for a cup of tea - and I didnt even think about having a snack with it.

But the triumph was dinner tonight. Normally I would have starter mains and dessert. I knew I wouldnt manage that so we didnt have a starter. I couldn't eat all my main course - and we didn't have any side orders like garlic bread that normally I would have had. I did eat all my dessert - but it was totally delicious. I know I am eating FAR less this holiday than the old me used to - and I am so pleased!!


Anonymous said...

It is great when you notice progress like that :)

NewMe said...

Yeah for you!