Monday 2 November 2009

That new week feeling

This morning has started well.

I got up with the alarm after a not brilliant nights sleep.
I drank some water
I did a workout that I am roud of. 10 mins stpe plus 13 minutes boxing and 8 minutes yoga. I have decided free stepping can wait until the evening - and anyway I am on my feet all day at work.
I drank a pint of water
I am now eating my breakfast slowly. OK eating while I blog probably isn't quite in the rules - but it does ensure I am leaving time between spoonfuls.
And I a sitting here with no lights on, and no TV on but the news channel on the laptop - so I am saving energy as well

Breakfast is always a good meal for me. Its the one meal where I can almosy guarantee I will follow the rules. Thats partly becasue I have so much time but also because I only have me to worry about.

I sometimes dont wake hungry -but I always exercise before I eat so that normally solves the problem.

Eating what I want isn't a problem either. Cereal with fresh fruit and yoghurt (organic fat free today) The cereal is normally whole wheat, the fruit is normally fresh. And if I want extra sweetnes I use sugar - artificial sweetner has the wrong texture for me. My coffee is normaly sweetened with sweetex or something similar - but if I want more sweetness I will use sugar.

If only I was able to manage my food the rest of day as well. Tomorrow I will look at why it all tends to fall apart in the evening.

So I feel I am off to a good start today and that is a good sign. I am feeling positive and motivated - despite still having problems coming to terms with Lindseys imminent death. She is a year younger than me - its all so unfair.

Just to record that I am on day 3 of my activia trial to see if it helps my IBS at all. Ass my next move is going to be for Movicol it isnt off to a flying start but it was starting from a bad place.

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