Monday 2 February 2009

Snow snow go away

It has snowed today. London has come to a standstill but here in Brum its not that deep. But all the schools will be shut tommorrow. However I did manage to get to my nterview today - and it seemed to go OK. But another agency have asked if they can pass my CV to Boots. I just wish Emily would let me know if the hopsital want me as a locum. It would be the best solution.

Food has gone OK today - but excercise has been a disaster. No work out and almost no walking. Anyone who thinks I am going to walk in snow and ice has another think coming.

I also feel as if I am coming down with a cold. Plus Edna's discharge has been delayed by at least 48 hours. It is now planned for Thursday afternoon instead of tommorrow afternoon.

I guess the snow is making me depressed. :-(


Anonymous said...

I still read the Australian news online (to keep up with what is happening at home) and the snow in London made front page yesterday.

I find the thought of snow so exciting because I have only seen it once, never walked in it or mucked around playing as a child in it.

I hope you feel better soon Sally and that you find out some news from the hospital

Sally said...

Edna is in much better spirits and will be discharged on Thursday. (God willing) I just had a 'down' day I guess. I do feel better today. xx