Sunday 15 February 2009

So this is a quiet weekend?

My FB status currently says 'Sally wants a quiet weekend' Although we had no visitors this weekend, yesterday I had 4 Edna related phone calls - including one from the pharmacy sorting out her meds with no prescription from the GP. Today I wil be going over to see Edna quite soon (and its only 7.00 am!) and then this afternoon I am driving Tony's mother to Leominster. This was not what I wanted from my quiet weekend. But I am making the most of the times in between the interruptions. I am indanger of getting a bit 'whimpish' if I am not careful. Quite often when I get to a stage of thinking' I can't cope' its the mental side not the physical side that is slipping. I still havent got round to re-reading the chapter about postive thought in CYLI7D. The book is STILL just across the room. Today I WILL move it and start re-reading it.

Yesterday Tony bent down to pick a cup up off the floor without bending his knees. He comented that he wouldn't have been able to do that before starting the yoga on the Wii fit. Last night I woke u thirsty and didn't have a glass so I tried to take a drink directly from the tap i the bathroom - quite forgeting I can't actually bend down to do it. Except guess what? I could do it. So I guess the yoga or something is doing me good too.

No biscuits or crisps were consumed yesterday in our house. Tony didn't go for the barrel once - and neither did I. I really didn't want biscuits. And we both thoroughly enjoyed the take-away chinese we had last night. I was VERY hungry by the time it arrived so I didn;t eat it as slowly as I should have done. BUT I still ate it far slower than I would have done pre Paul. We had one portion of rice between us. Normally we would have had a portion each - and I would have eaten all my rice. I know I shouldn't think in terms of calories - but thst is a lot of calories I have cut out with no real effort .

I don't know what the Wii fit told Tony - but either it has told him he needs to lose weight - or he is trying to help ME lose weight by not tempting me.

I am going to feel so deflated if when I do my next body test (6th March) I haven't lost ANY weight. But I am keeping that image of me shopping with that personal shopper for a new wardrobe. .............I can see it all in my mind. Wandering round Rackham's or M and S - or maybe I will go really mad and head to London for the shopping spree?


Anonymous said...

Yay for yoga - you have inspired me to get back onto the wii fit yoga as I know being more flexible will help my running.

I need to buy some batteries for the remote thingies so added it to this weeks list.

I love that you can visualise like that, I need to start using visualisation more, it's something I have not done lately

look at all these ideas your giving me! It's great :)

Sally said...

Well its certainly helped me. Glad to know I'm being helpful to you. :-)