Tuesday 3 February 2009

Me and my food

I've decided to use my holiday to really try to get to grips with my relationship with food.

I've already realised I need to eat more in the mornings and today I have done well. I got u at 8.00 and at ten ast 9 I still haven't quite finished breakfast!. Initially I had one weetabix, and a kiwi fruit with some yoghurt, washed down with a mug of caffeinated coffee. I finshed all that without feeling guilty about not leaving something on the late because I only had one weetabix not two. I then mucked around in the ktichen a bit, drank a mug of water and did a bit of a workout. 100 step ups - 50 with each leg leading. I realised I need to keep both knees able to lead off up stairs and my normal routine always uses the left leg to take the wieght as I climb the stairs. As I was doing my second tranch with the right leg taking the weight the phrase ' use it or lose it' came to mind. If I 'use it' every day doing the step ups, I shoudl be able to get upstairs until I am quite old. I drad ending up like Mum or Edna.

After that I had two peices of toast with marmalde (no butter) and a mug of decaf coffee . I have just finished my second course while typing this. I still feel eckish but I don;t really fancy anything so I am full. I have also had near;ly a litre of fluid and thats good for so many reasons.

I should now be fine until middayish for food. Lets see what happens!

1 comment:

Sally said...

What hapeend was a ,ot of rushing around and snacking as I went. but I have realised I have roblems eating slowly unless the food is something I REALLY fancy. Must use that knowledge