Thursday 19 April 2012

Things have a slipped a bit - and I now have a new issue to deal with. I have been diagnosed with interstitial cystitis - and discovered it is closely linked with IBS. The diagnosis was one I suggested 4 years back - but discarded when a course of antibiotics cleared my problem up. Also it seems IC is more common than I thought it was. So its down to lifestyle advice and diet. I have decided to try eliminating various known trigger foods. I am starting with caffeine - and yesterday I did feel better - a lot more comfortable. But last night after eating too many doritos, I was back to being uncomfortable again - but I am not sure if that was psychological because I felt guilty about eating too many doritos........... hmmmmmmm Anyway this morning doing a quick body scan I am aware of lower abdominal discomfort which is probably IC related but could also be IBS related. I feel fat there is no avoiding that this morning I feel REALLY fat - but strangely motivated to eat well today. Since on an instinctive level I feel drinking water will help alleviate my IC symptoms drinking water will not be a problem. I am buoyed up because we have a psychic Fayre to go to in Stratford- and the table money can come out of the money Tony has taken doing his readings well some of it anyway. OK what do I want for today. I want to give Paula a good reiki treatment. I want to have a booking from another client confirmed. I want circle to go well tonight and for me to find the right words to help Marie ..........if she NEEDS or WANTS my help So how am I doing with living the reiki principles? Well I didnt do well yesterday but what can I do TODAY I can stop worrying and start acting about things that trouble me. I have let procrastination win again. Am I angry about anything? I am cross at myself for letting things slip - but that is about all Today I will work had at promoting reiki. People don't know what it is -thats why I am not getting many clients I still feel humble that I have been called down this path. Being compassionate is my life goal in many ways - but I need to be nice to me as well - and that means being careful about the food I eat. Right I have come full circle - by accident? Well probably not but I didn't plan that - so it means I really DO need to focus on my diet and lifestyle. Message received and understood

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