Saturday 21 April 2012

reality check

I am feeling very very sorry for myself as I contemplate the reality of living with the diagnosis of IC. The list of trigger foods reads like my favourite things. Coffee, team chocolate, spices, fruit, yoghurt.............. add in onions and tomatoes and that means a lot of my home cooking may have to be changed. I don;t eat a drink a lot of ANY of the possible trigger foods - except fruit - and coffee. Even the decaff version is a trigger for me I believe So I need to be tea coffee and caffeine free asap. I have a real problem in working out what I can drink apart from water. Anything acidic is out, so no fruit juices and I feel fruit teas are out until I have got on top of the flare up. I am going to give it two weeks with redbush tea as something hot, and the rest of the time just plain water. I will avoid all the foods on the trigger list So onions have gone on the dsilke list for Abel and Cole, and I will have milk on my cereal not yoghurt or fromage frais. I will cut out citrus fruit - so no oranges, But I will still have apples paers bananas and kiwi fruit. I will avoid curry. And hope at the end of two weeks I feel better so I can start re-introducing some of my favourite things . It is going to be a long two weeks.................

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