Tuesday 24 April 2012

I realised that the calmness at work may depend on me. If I get irate about something it sends the wrong signals out. Yesterday I stayed calm. But it did help that Pam wasn't there. I really worry about what may happen when she comes back. Ah ...but I mustn't worry must I? First reiki principle. Wow what a reminder. So what do I want for today? And how am I getting on with my goals for the week? After that reminder I need to incorporate the reiki symbols and principles into my life? Now there is a thought. I have just had a picture of the department with a huge CKR in it. Ok..... something is nudging my brain. I need to get my talk done for tomorrow - even though I have a feeling it may not take place. But I don;t think that is me getting a signal; i think that is me being me and thinking negative. Apart from that I want the same as yesterday. To be fair I was tired when I got home, and had to dash out to get a sonic rodent repellent. Having had 3 dead mice in 2 days a 4th live mouse appeared just after I got home - and all the cats wanted to do was play with it. However finally it was cornered and killed by them. But we are worried there is a nest somewhere ....o joy. Anyway all that dashing about took time and left me very tired - so I didn't achieve much last night except to watch tv I was late up this morning so this is a close as I am going to get to meditation before I go to work. This 9.00 start is being quite disruptive. But food wise yesterday went well. The IC exclusion diet continues - and I feel wonderful. I am learning to really like Red-bush tea - and I am not really missing coffee yet - but then I haven't smelt any coffee really. I am going to meet someone in a cafe on saturday....so that may be a tester. Because chocolate is a trigger and we only have chocolate biscuits I haven't snacked. And to be honest I suspect some of my snack favourites may be triggers. Hopefully this will get me back on the slimming tack as well as dealing with my IC.

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