Monday 2 April 2012

Mapping out the future?

I really like the Tabula rasa idea that came to me yesterday. I posted about it in my FB group and found myself advising them to put 'just for today' in front of the intention for their day to make it manageable. I almost put Don't worry about tomorrow. Is that part of what the reiki principle means? What I write today will change what I write tomorrow if I am truly growing. If all this is the Law or Attraction at work I love it. One thing leading me to an insight in another area, and the whole thing happening by chance as it seems. OK so what do I want for today? I am going to respect my body by giving it what it needs in terms of food and exercise. I am going to respect my fellow workers and be the best pharmacist I can be today I am going to respect my soul and recognise its needs. Do I need to give more detail? Why have I used the word 'respect' another word used in the principles? Am I moving closer to really understanding them? They are more than just nice words - they are very challenging and not to be taken lightly. OK take a deep breath. Ultimately what do I REALLY want to achieve? I want to be slimmer for purely aesthetic reasons because it will make me feel good about myself BUT also because if I am slimmer and healthier I feel I will have more credibility as a healer myself. I want to be healthy because I want to live a long and productive life, maybe see Steve get married and give me grandchildren. I want to develop my psychic/mediumship abilities because that will help me help the people who come to me for healing. Each day I need to do something that moves me closer to those goals. I do feel an innate understanding of the reiki principles - and living by them has got to be the starting point for my psychic development - whihc is what my soul needs I am sure. I need to be the best pharmacist I can be each day I am at work because that is how I keep my self respect at the moment. I am a pharmacist - but I won't always be working as a pharmacist. OK I am rambling now - but I do feel there is some message in these thoughts. Blogging is a very good form of meditation for me. OK I now need to respect my body by answering the signal it is giving me . I am hungry.

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