Wednesday 31 March 2010

The value of jogging

Why am I trying to jog? All my guru says is 'move your body' and suggests 2500 steps a day (about a 20 minute walk) is the difference in the average of daily steps between thin people and overweight people.

Well I dont want to be the last one limping home on June 17th thats for sure. And that means I need to jog some of it.

Jogging also bumps up the calorie burn. According to my trusty wii fit walking uses 3 times as many calories as sitting while jogging uses up 5 times as many.

Jogging is also aerobic and good for your heart. (If Jack Sh*t reads this thats why 'burney lung' actually IS good for you lol)

Jogging is also quicker then walking if you simply want to get form A to B

To beat the 'obesity time bomb' the Department of Health recommends 30 minutes exercise on 5 days a week although there are rumours that this is being to increased to an hour.I have been aiming to do 30 minutes a day on the Wii. I have been increasing the amount of jogging partly to burn up the calories and partly to give myself a fighting chance in June.

I think the cardiac benefits of jogging make it more important than the calorie burning benefits in the long run. Being thin doesn't automatically mean you are fit. Heart attacks kill thin people too.

I think for me the personal value of jogging is that it increases my chances of staying off medication. And that is what will probably keep me jogging long after the Race for Life

Tuesday 30 March 2010

Mud mud glorious mud

I had a lousy nights sleep last night and this morning it was a real effort to get up when the alarm went off. But I decided I was going to throw on my tracksuit and trainers and go out even if I only did a 5 minute walk round the block. This is about getting into new habit more than exercise at this point. In the end I did a 20 minute walk to the park and round the lake. Apart from almost getting stuck in some deep mud at one point I enjoyed it.

But I ached when I woke up, and I still have that annoying ache in the back of my left ankle which I suspect is my achilles tendon objecting to something, so I didn't do any jogging at all.

Do I care? No. ANY exercise is good - and if I walk all 5K of the race for life I will still have done it and both the charity and I will benefit.

I haven't mentioned food lately. That is because I feel more or less in control of food. I am sticking to Paul's rules as well as I can. Some days its better than others. But as a result of those rules my portion sizes are naturally smaller, I am enjoying what I eat and don't feel deprived of anything I want.

I admit I am worried about what will happen while I am off work - but I have so much that needs to be done in the house and garden that I am sue I can replace the energy I use at work with energy used round the home. And if I keep busy I wont nibble. I am aware a lot of self control will be needed tho.

Monday 29 March 2010

New habits

OK from today I am trying to get into a new habit of going out early for a walk or a jog in the fresh air. There so many things I find it easier to do when the rest of the world (and Tony!) are asleep ;I do have to cram quite a lot into my early morning routine. Exercise, meditation, and OU as well as feeding myself and 2 cats ,getting my lunch ready, getting myself ready and having breakfast.

At this stage I'm not aiming for a certain time/distance. I'm just getting out there. This morning I did 50 walking steps and 50 jogging steps for this first bit of my session . I stopped when a nagging ache in the back of my ankle made me wonder if I was putting too much strain on my achilles tendon. I didn't go as far or stay out as long as yesterday. But I went out.

I have been up for 35 minutes and have fed the cats, done my outside exercise, got my lunch ready, and blogged.

I will use the wii fit when I get home from work (oh the joys if having a separate tv so I can do that and not interrupt out viewing!

Of course I only 4 more days of work and then I will have plenty of time for everything. In fact I want to build extra exercise in then to compensate for the fact that I am not on my feet all day at work. But going out first thing is still something I want to do. I want to get used to it - and lest be honest I'd rather be out there without having too many other people to see me running. I do still feel a bit self conscious.

Saturday 27 March 2010

New shoes!!!!

I finally have a new pair of shoes - so I have no excuse NOT to start walking and jogging in the park on a regular basis.

I have just started to wear them in by wearing them while I did my step aerobics. I may do some wii fot jogging later today and wear them for that as well

Yesterday I managed to hit my calorie target in UNDER 30 minutes. How good is THAT?? I did an island lap (9 minutes of jogging) plus 20 minutes of free stepping. And the good news is my back is holding up.

Now can I translate that into REAL jogging outside? I would so LOVE to actually jog most of the Race for Life. It would be a major fitness achievement for me.

I don't care about the potential weight loss from all the exercise I just know that the exercise will have huge health benefits for me

Thursday 25 March 2010

Looking forward

Looking forward is something I never used to do. I was always too busy looking back and looking inward to look forward. Its no surprise that I stayed stuck in my pit. CYLI7D changed all that. I realised I was in control of my life, my health, my relationships, my happiness. (Yes happiness - happiness is a choice we make not a state to aspire to)

So what am I looking forward to at the moment?

Working as a community pharmacist

Training for the Race for Life

Starting to work as a reiki practitioner

Being free of the mortgage

Continuing with my spiritual development

Continuing to lose weight

Completing my Open University course

I am on the road, I can't see everything that will happen, but I am excited about the journey I am on.

I used the TFT technique to work out what to have for breakfast (BTW the medium on the ghost hunt asked us to use the same technique - except he didn't call it TFT. I love it when the different part of my life coalesce like that) I ended up with fruit and yoghurt.

I did a long jog this morning - ok only 4 minutes - but I have jogged quite regularly now. Next step is to get some trainers and start walking and jogging in the park instead of using the wii fit in the mornings.

Wednesday 24 March 2010

The future is bright, the future is.........?

The future is what I chose to make it. It is in my hands and I have a wealth of opportunities open to me.

I am being pushed out of my comfort zone. But my comfort zone was stopping me making progress in the direction I really wanted to go. I firmly believe that when circumstances force you into a situation it is because that situation is what you need to move on. I always intended to move into the community when I retired from the NHS. That is now very very likely to be my next move.

Of course I am facing an unknown scary situation. I have no idea how long it will take to find a suitable job. But I am in the very very lucky position that I can afford to take a short term drop in income.

Thanks to my guru I am NOT going to drown in negativity, sink into depression, start losing confidence in myself or OD on chocolate and biscuits while I start to act on the plans I have been dreaming about putting into action.

This does not mean the next few weeks /months are going to e easy or problem free. It means I will cope with the inevitable problems.

I have done a work out this morning which included jogging and boxing. I have eaten my healthy breakfast slowly. I have drunk lots. I took time to prepare an interesting lunch to take to work.

I think I am doing OK - and in the end that is all that matters

Tuesday 23 March 2010

Haiku again

Fear uncertainty

What does the future hold now?

Do not overeat!!

So now what

I am a liar. I've been kidding myself and everyone that I am relaxed about the idea of a break from work. But reality is a bit different. I've just found out the UHB vacancy was filled. The implication is it was filled before the agency submitted my CV. But I am wondering if UHB have actually rejected me. If they have that hurts - which is silly because the 'rejection' (if it is a rejection) has come from one person who doesn't really know me.

But it isnt exactly doing much for my ego and self image.

I already know I am NOT going to get to where I want to be if I continue to work as a hospital locum. So why do I feel so devastated about NOT getting the UHB booking?

My life is changing - again. The rational part of me knows I can make it a change for the better. But my heart feels the hurt of rejection and the anxiety about practical matters.

But in a funny way its all coming together. I will soon be getting the final report from my financial advisor - and I know he will recommend paying off the mortgage So I will be 700.00 a month better off.That takes the pressure off me to earn as much .

I have just finished my CV and Manie is confident she can get me something part time as a community pharmacist.

Some time at home will be useful to sort out things in the house and get some serious OU studying done as well as investigating what steps I can take to work as a reiki therapist at least part time.

And if I am honest a break will do me good. I am very tired.

Part of me wants to curl up in a ball and cry and eat biscuits - and maybe some chocolate as well. In fact almost half of me wants to do that. The other half is much more under control and actually relishing the changes I am going to have to make.

Overthinking things

My reiki teacher used one phrase that resonated with me and I think has applications in other areas of my life. Mind you it has taken nearly a month to sink in!

'Stop over thinking things - just relx and let it happen'

I think I am over thinking the whole relationship with food thing. I know the rules for healthy eating. I know Paul's rules too. All I need is sensible application of those rules and sensible exercise.

This morning I have done the warm up and over-indulged routines. Just under 15 minutes.

My new routine of splitting my exercise into two parts is working out well.

I still have a stress point in my life - a total lack of paid employment after 1st April - but I am doing all the right things and I am confident something will turn up. I am quite karmic about it. If it meant to happen it will.

Monday 22 March 2010


I freely admit I am copying 'New Me' s idea here - but this is a good way to express things

Hear my body's cry
I need movement and good food
I trust my body

Feel my bodies need
to be fitter and slimmer
I trust my body

Voices in my mind
One praises one puts me down
I will heed the praise

Sunday 21 March 2010

Eating what you want??

Well I did that yesterday. All I wanted was unhealthy carbs. Bagel, biscuits and pie and chips for dinner. I didnt eat ANY fruit and veg, or drink enough water.

Initially I felt very very stodgy this morning. I have done 10 minutes of exercise - I cut it short because both my back and my ankle are playing up and I didn't want to push things.

But havind a breakfast of fruit and yoghurt, then a snack of toast and plenty of water I do know feel much better.

The thing is yesterday I ate exactly what I wanted - and I suspect it was excatly I needed based on how I feel now.

Listen to your body - it will tell you what you need.

Friday 19 March 2010

The amazing power of figures.....

That small but tangible loss I measured yesterday seems to have motivated me. Last night when I did my evening wii fit session (we have a separate TV so I am lucky enough to be able to do it while still being able to watch TV and a supportive partner who encourages my efforts) I actually did some jogging as well as the step aerobics. This morning because I know I will last home this evening I have done pure step aerobics rather than a mixture of aerobics with yoga and muscle exercises. And the good news is that so far my back isn't reacting.

Actually its not the figure itself - its the way it made me feel about myself. The human mind is the most amazing thing and can either be your best friend or your worst enemy. I think my biggest victory over the years has been to get my mind working FOR me rather than against me.

I am still very anxious about my work (or lack of work) situation for April. But I am doing everything I can to sell myself to the right people. And I am not comfort eating. I did have some ginger biscuits last night and a bedtime snack of cheese and biscuits - but I was hungry - and it was what I wanted.

I broke a significant barrier yesterday - the 14stone barrier. This time I am confident I will STAY this side of the barrier - and move further away from it

Thursday 18 March 2010

A small success!!!

This morning when I woke up I decided I needed to stop being a coward and do the body test on the wii fit. When I turned that bullying machine on it decided to ask me how much I weighed. I put in a figure I guesses would be too low - and got an encouraging.'Thats almost spot on' With that encouragement I did the test and it said I had lost 2lbs. I have broken the 14st barrier!!!!

OK 2lbs isnt a lot - but that small shift in the scale backs up comments I have had from other people and the way my clothes fit.

The real victory is that I have done it without feeling deprived of anything.

So something is working - probably the exercise. Now if only I can slow down my eating I should be on a roll.

I have set a new target of 1lb in 2 weeks. That is much slower than the traditional 2lbs or 1 Kg a week. But it is an achievable target for me. If I can do that for 26 weeks I will be a stone lighter. And my goal set in the new year was to end the year 7 lbs lighter.

The other reason for slow weight loss is my back. Slow weight loss gives my back time to adjust better so I will have fewer problems.

Wednesday 17 March 2010

Life changes

The agency e-mailed me last night to ask if I would consider full time because my old hopsital really want full time locums. I don't know if that means the agency have suggested me to them already and they have said yes - but only if she does full time. It could be that the agency are just trying to maximise my chances and haven't mentioned me yet.

Anyway I have agreed to full time hours. I always knew I would have to compromise to find work in the current climate. But full time hours with so little travel involved will be a reasonable compromise. And if I find I can't cope well I'm not locked into them and I will just have to find a plan B!

One big plus is I could walk to work and save money on petrol as well as giving my fitness campaign a huge boost.

I am anxious - but not massively so. Wondering what work will be like today is a much greater pressure at the moment!

Monday 15 March 2010

So much to do..........

Between my OU studies, trying to re-write my CV and my reiki self healing I have had no time to blog on here. It will be better when I have got to the end of the 21 days of self healing........... just under 2 weeks.

But just because I am not blogging doesn't mean I am ignoring my weight and health issues. However things are not exactly going well. My back is again a major problem so I am having to restrict my aerobic exercise. So no jogging although I am still walking. But this morning my back is already playing up - and I still have to cope with a day at work. I have GOT to find a way to sit down.

So things are not going to plan - but I am still trying to follow Paul's rules and I am doing OK with them.

I haven't done a body test for 3 weeks -have no idea if I am gaining or losing weight - but actually don't care.

I FEEL good (apart from my back) and that is all that matters

Thursday 11 March 2010

Strange the feedback you get

I had been feeling that some of my trousers were just a bit looser- but wasn't sure. then today I went to have a massage for my back and the masseur commented (without knowing) that my waist was smaller than the last time he massaged me back in January.He then went on to say 'I dont know if you've lost weight -but weight isnt a good indicater. But you ARE smaller'

I felt like a million dollars!!

Jogging has been off the menu for 2 days - and I have no plans to add it back yet. I still would like to walk/jog the race for life - but not at the price of my back. It isnt worth it.

I did 20 minutes free step today before I l left for work - and will do some more this evening.

I am still moving my body. And I feel food is goion OK as well

Tuesday 9 March 2010

A setback

My work arrangements were changed slightly today and instead of being able to sit down at reasonably regular intervals I have been on my feet most of the day. The result is back pain and sciatica. Not serious , but enough to make me realise a lot of jogging isnt a good idea.

Also today I got confirmation that RHH wont need me after 1st April. Well they WILL need me but they ave been told to get rid of all locums as a cost saving measure. the end result is the same.

I am wondering if I am more worried about this than I feel and the sciatica is partly stress related.

Either way I can't ignore the symptom - so its back to walking again.


From Sparkpeople - The joy of cooking

Cooking for someone is a great expression of love, comfort, and gratitude. A hearty meal prepared with fresh, healthy ingredients can warm anyone's heart. This is why many cultures send meals to those who have recently lost a loved one; our motivation behind traditional holiday meals; and why affectionate memories of family often center around the table. Sharing food with people is an intimate occasion. Try out a healthy, new recipe this week. Experiment and see what magic you can cook up in the kitchen!

I do enjoy cooking this could be a good idea.

I've done a short workout this morning, am currently eating my breakfast (fruit and yoghurt) - and thinking I wont be able to finish it. I really wanst hungry when O started it but was being driven by the clock.

I have PLENTY of time to shower, get myself ready for work and have a good meditation time. And who knows maybe finish this breakfast before I go ...........IF I am hungry. I may take it to work to finish off at lunchtime

Otherwise I have my normal finger food supplies with me at work.

Today I should find out finally wat my work situation is going to be after the end of the month. I am actually not that worried. I know SOMETHING will turn up.

Monday 8 March 2010

Back to work tomorrow

Today was the last day of my staycation.

I have done a wii fit routine workout (16 minutes) 10 minutes jogging and 10 minutes free stepping. I have hit my targets for today.

Food has been a bit 'meh' OK but not brilliant.

I am as ready as I can be for work tomorrow

Sunday 7 March 2010

The tipping point

Paul talks about the tipping point when yu are developing new habits. That is the time when it is easier to do it than NOT to do it. I am not there with jogging - but I do feel I am on my way

Last night instead of doing my extra minutes as free stepping - I did some jogging. And this morning I have only do a short workout - but it included an island lap.

I really am focusing on getting fit for the race.

OK I know I have to starting doing some outdoor stuff as well - but knowing I can jog for 10 minutes is a huge psychological boost.

I am NOT going to overdo it tho. I am monitoring my back very carefully. I think the fact that I am on my 21 days of self healing after my level 2 reiki is going to be a huge help - and maybe a sign that I need to be more rigorous in my self healing on a regular basis. At the first sign of my back playing up I will cut down the time I spend jogging.

I have decided to focus on exercise - and to let food sort itself out. As well as focusing on exercising I am also focusing on meditation because of the self healing I have to do. I can use that to support the changes I need to make in my eating habits. I physically HAVE to do the exercise - but my eating habits are a psychological/spiritual issue. I am still trying to stick to Paul's rules.

I have such a lot to do at the moment with my exercises, meditation, OU and the stuff I have got to read before my final day of reiki training

Something has got to give. So if I may not be as regular on the blog as normal for a bit. I will still be reading blogs tho.

Friday 5 March 2010

Gaining momentum

Yesterday I clocked up 58 minutes and over 280 calories worth of exercise. This morning the first thing I was aware of when I got up was that my calves really ached. So I was unsure what to do about exercise this morning. I decided to keep up the momentum. So I have nust clocked 30 minutes of PROPER aerobic exercise. 10 minutes free step, 10 minutes jogging and then another 10 minutes free step.

I am actually surprised at how easy I found the 10 minutes of jogging.

I feel I am on a roll - and that I may be able to keep this level of exercise up on a more consistent basis. The test will come with how well I do when I am working. At the moment I am fairly sedentary. BUT I do feel confident that I should be able to do 10 minutes of jogging on a daily basis.

I feel I have achieved something very concrete this week. Which means this rather disappointing holiday has given me something after all

Thursday 4 March 2010

Spiritual and mental well being

I know some people will wince at the word 'spiritual' but I can assure you I do not wander around wearing scarves and beads nor do I sit cross legged and saying 'Ommm' But I do take time to meditate and my firm belief , based on my personal experience, is that when I do I get a much better picture of what my subconscious mind is telling me and that can give me some surprising insights.

My mental health was restored with a vengeance over 3 years ago when I was first introduced to guided meditations and visualizations. I know that I could not have begun to tackle my weight and health issues until I had dealt with my depression. So for me spiritual and mental health and irrevocably linked together, and linked to the success or failure of my health goals.

Yesterday I meditated for the first time in some days. And yesterday we had a very good day on our enforced 'staycation' And last night I ate mindfully for the first time in several days. As a result I realised I wasn't enjoying the potatoes that were part of my dinner - so I left them - and thoroughly enjoyed the rest.

I also did much better with exercise than I have done in some time - and in fact did another 20 minutes in the evening on top of the 30 minutes I blogged about yesterday.

OK I can't prove it is cause and effect. Psychology is a funny thing - which is why I am doing a course in it to try and understand more. But to me it FEELS lie cause and effect.

The blogosphere is all about sharing experiences as well as getting support. The comments (and the sponsorship!) from yesterday are very welcome - although I dont think I will run the whole 5K - but I do intend to jog as much as I can. So if someone reading this is prompted to try meditation to see if it works for them that will be wonderful - and here is a link to a site that maybe helpful

Wednesday 3 March 2010


Well something has worked this morning. I have just done my 10 10 10 workout - and the middle 10 minutes was jogging. I have hit both targets (time and calorie) in one go. And I found the jogging quite easy.

It makes me think I may well be able to jog a fair protion of the 'Race for Life' 5K.

I did some thinking during the workout and I have realised NOT taking the time to do what I know is needed for my physical mental and spiritual well being is ludicrous. I am telling myself I don't matter when I ignore these things.No wonder I am having problesm with my food

I havent been meditating or doing any self healing and then I wonder why I am feeling down,lacking energy, and have recurrence of my IBS.

One of my golas was 15 minutes of meditation/prayer each day and I haven't stuck to it. Having done my workout my next move is going to be upstairs to light a candle burn some incense and meditate and pray

Having been given a bit of a confidence for the Race for Life I thought I'd be cheeky and post the link to my fundraisng page. If you are reading this and can afford a pound or two please please donate to this worthwhile cause.

That holiday feeling

I had a great birthday - but have to own up to be WAY off track with food and exercise over the past 2 days. Plus my IBS seems to be in full swing. So this morning I am sitting here feeling bloated and thinking about reaching for the Movicol.

I also feel as if I have put on all the weight I have lost over the past year . I know that is ludicrous. 2 less than good days have not undone all my good work. But it isnt a nice feeling and is the spur I need to get myself back on track. I am very aware that I am being very sedentary this week. But judging by the amount I am sleeping I need the break from all the running around I do at work to re-charge my batteries.

That thought does make me pause a little tho. I often think about a less frantic work life. What would that do to my weight? Would I need to jack up my exercise? Or would my intake drop naturally by following Paul's rules?

It is still Paul's rules that I follow. The Beyind Choc list doesn't resonate with me in the same way. Which is funny because essentially they are advoicating the same thing.

I will take a look at the beyond choc list of actions and decide which one I will try today.

But for now its wii fit time - in the hope it will tame my IBS without resorting to Movicol

Monday 1 March 2010

Looking back

Today is my birthday and I decided to look back my entries for this time last year. I am not sure that was such a good idea as I was in the run up to Edna's diagnosis and she was in hospital . I dreamed about her last night - she was sot of committing suicide. I know that sounds daft but I can't express it any other way.

It has left me in a funny mood and re-reading my entries for this time last year haven't exactly helped. It may sound stupid but when I decided to look back I had forgotten where we were with Edna, had forotten I retired this time last year, had forgotten that this time last year was the first day of the rest of my life (yes I used tat phrase.

Its funny I am in the same work state now as I weas then - unsure about my long term prospects - and betting that UHB would be keeping me on. Plus ca change today I am wondering if UHB will take me on.

I can see I have made progress with exercise and I know I have made progress with meditation. I have lost weight since then - but I am not sure I have improved that much with my food management.

Maybe I DID need to look back. It has reminded me what I have made progress with, and reading about Edna again has reminded me that I DID cope with the situation. I am quite a strong person and I do seem to survive what life throws at me.

I feel I am still on track with my overal goals for 2010.

And now I am off to have a good birthday I hope.