Wednesday 24 March 2010

The future is bright, the future is.........?

The future is what I chose to make it. It is in my hands and I have a wealth of opportunities open to me.

I am being pushed out of my comfort zone. But my comfort zone was stopping me making progress in the direction I really wanted to go. I firmly believe that when circumstances force you into a situation it is because that situation is what you need to move on. I always intended to move into the community when I retired from the NHS. That is now very very likely to be my next move.

Of course I am facing an unknown scary situation. I have no idea how long it will take to find a suitable job. But I am in the very very lucky position that I can afford to take a short term drop in income.

Thanks to my guru I am NOT going to drown in negativity, sink into depression, start losing confidence in myself or OD on chocolate and biscuits while I start to act on the plans I have been dreaming about putting into action.

This does not mean the next few weeks /months are going to e easy or problem free. It means I will cope with the inevitable problems.

I have done a work out this morning which included jogging and boxing. I have eaten my healthy breakfast slowly. I have drunk lots. I took time to prepare an interesting lunch to take to work.

I think I am doing OK - and in the end that is all that matters

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