Wednesday 17 March 2010

Life changes

The agency e-mailed me last night to ask if I would consider full time because my old hopsital really want full time locums. I don't know if that means the agency have suggested me to them already and they have said yes - but only if she does full time. It could be that the agency are just trying to maximise my chances and haven't mentioned me yet.

Anyway I have agreed to full time hours. I always knew I would have to compromise to find work in the current climate. But full time hours with so little travel involved will be a reasonable compromise. And if I find I can't cope well I'm not locked into them and I will just have to find a plan B!

One big plus is I could walk to work and save money on petrol as well as giving my fitness campaign a huge boost.

I am anxious - but not massively so. Wondering what work will be like today is a much greater pressure at the moment!

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