Wednesday 21 January 2009

Kitchen day

M new kitchen arrives today so the next few days will be total chaos. Hopefully things will not comletely go to pot foodwise - but not being able to cook will be challenging. I'm not too impressed with the way the firm have handled things so far. They goven us dates then tried to change them. Tried to come in before the kitchenwas delievered to start work. I almost wish I'd refused to move from the original Feb 5th date. However it is coming today and work starts tommorrow. I'm really hoping Tony doesn't get into one of his moods and decide he doesn't want to to out tonight. We have had tickets for the NIA for ages and I will be more than a bit annoyed if she says he's too tired to go. My son has alreday cried off but he does have a lot of uni work to do - and he will at least ay me for the ticket. Maybe I should charge Tony for his if he doesn't go. Wonder what he'd say if I did.

Anyway I'd better go a get dressed so I am ready for the deliverymen - although I have no ide what time they are turning up Hoe the ring me to give me some notice

However I will still get in a shortt work out this morning as much as my back will allow. Yt is now giving me payback for yesterdays fall.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I hope the kitchen worked out well and you got to go out.

what is NIA?