Friday 9 January 2009

Day one of the new regime

I woke up feeling awful. My cold hd broken and my back was so stiff it was unebelievable. But I managed to use the kick stool as a step bench and do 20 step ups.

Last night I listened to the wieght loss tape before I went to sleep (or tried to go to sleep at least. I ened up taking a sleeping tablet)

Despite feeling bad I still went to work although I managged to stay all day in the dispensary rather than go to the wards.

So how did I do with the programe

I ate when I was hungry - although I am hungry now -but I have just had a Jammie dodger with my tea.

I ate what I wanted - sugar in my morning coffee, sugar on my cereal peanut butter sandwiches for lunch and tea is going to be the reamins of the chinese we had the other night

I ate slowly and conciosuly - my eating has really slowed down

I stoed when I was full - yup managed that OK. I also managed to avoid comfort eating

I haven't done the mirror excecise and I must do it. My main problem with the rogramme is that I can't imagine myself being slim because I dont think I can lose the weight. My self image is getting in the way and needs to be changed.

I drank water
I moved my body as much as I could with my back playing up

So I haven't done too badly - but I could do better.

I haven't weighed myself and I wonder if I should or will it only depress me? For me this isn't about figures, its about how I feel. Can I be objective enough to measure success with something intangible? I'll think about it.

In the meantime I am looking forward to chilling out over the weekend. Chilling is thr right word for it having seen the forecast. At least no more snow is forecast.

I wil have to go and see Edna at some point. I cancelled today becasue of my cold. Feeling good about yourself when you are ill isn't easy. Here's hoing I feel better tommorrow

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