Saturday 1 May 2010

Something to celebrate?

This came into my in box this morning from the ever reliable Sparkpeople

Finding and celebrating the joy in life

Each day is a new chance to find joy and to dance. If you let it pass or think it useless, the chance is gone and you'll never get it back. When was the last time you played? Or just did something for the sheer fun of it? Joy is not found in the world around you, it's within yourself. You can make your own joy, especially during those dark times when you need to really feel alive again. Fun and play are healthy antidotes to taking life--and ourselves--too seriously. They're proven boosters of immune systems and mental health and make life worth the trouble. So do the twist. Sing in the shower. Learn a magic trick. Watch a cartoon. Challenge some kids to a game. Don't let a single day go to waste.

After yesterdays doom and gloom my FB wish for something 'magical' to happen actually came true. With the result that I feel a lot more positive - realise how much I really DO have to celebrate.

So I do feel I have more control over things now. I think a lot of yesterdays panic was being caused by self doubt about whether I was doing the right things.

I still feel my weight is out of control - or rather food is out of control.I am not sitting here binging on chocolate and crisps but I am eating too many biscuits. And tonight Tony and I are going to have a chill out evening in front of the TV with what I described to him as 'unhealthy food' So we have some Pringles and I bought a couple of Pizza's as an option for dinner. Mind you I can tell I have rejected the idea of a takeaway so that is one unhealthy option out of the way.

I am still exercising. Yesterday I clocked up 23 weeks on the wii fit without missing a single day. OK some days I only clocked 10 minutes - but on a lot of days I have clocked up at least 40 minutes exercise. I may not be doing as well with food as I would like but I have the exercise bit nailed. And that just shows that if you practice something it becomes second nature. You get to what the fabulous Mr McKenna calls the tipping point where it is easier to do something than NOT to do something.

The key to my food is still to eat slower. I am so sure of that. So all I have to do is practice that as hard and eventually it will be second nature. Then I may start to make some progress

I think the main thing is that I have been reminded there is no such thing as a magic wand that can solve my problems. Intellectually I knew that - but for some reason I was looking for that to relieve me of some decision making I think.

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