Monday 24 May 2010

Changing minds

The key to success and failure in almost anything is the mindset in which you approach it. I have thankfully developed a lot more positive mind set recently but this morning I have realised I still have a problem.

Today I have the first of my bookings at the Spire hospital. Its only half a day 1.00 until 5.00 this afternoon. And part of my mind is thinking 'Woohoo something close to normality!!!'

Until I adjust to the fact that I am probably not going to have a regular 9-5 job again EVER I am still going to have problems with food. I have relied on work physically removing me from the chance to eat. Then there is the self esteem issue -which still lurks in the background.

At least having identified this I can try to sort it out.

I ave been to the park this morning. I was out for 25 minutes and 10 minutes of that was jogging - very slow jogging but I did manage to jog all the way round the lake. And it was a huge effort.

I am intending to get my TMA started this morning. I only have a week to get it in. I also need to concentrate on my spiritual exercises so I do have plenty to do before I go to the hospital.

But for now I am sitting here thinking I am hungry - so its time for breakfast.

When you are hungry EAT

Eat what your REALLY want


Stop BEFORE you are full

If I follow those rules when I am not at work I will lose weight.

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