Monday 10 May 2010

Normal service will be resumed...........

I had a fascinating weekend - but very little sleep - due to a paranormal investigation that lasted from 9.00 Saturday night until past 5.00 Sunday morning - and then I had to drive home. So I got in time to feed the cats before I went to bed

Food was a disaster, but being up all night must have given me some exercise.

But my bad food habits and choices carried over into yesterday.

This morning I feel tired and sluggish and generally totally 'blah' But I have a lot to do both for my interview and towards building up a reiki business.

So I have decided even tho I am not going out to work, I need some discipline and need to designate a time when I will be 'at work' to get things done. So at 9.00 this morning the lap top and TV will go off and I will be 'at work'

Before I start 'work' I want to meditate and get some exercise and have some breakfast so I need to get on with things as it is already 7.30.

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