Saturday 15 May 2010

No more dilemma

I didn't get the job.I feel simultaneously relieved and deflated.

I am back to feeling totally crap about myself. I am looking at what I have tried to do over the past few weeks - and I can't see a single success.I am sitting here, watching an item on the tv about eating disorders, and thinking 'I have an eating disorder - I am a fat cow because I am greedy'

I want to curl up in a ball and cry my eyes out.

I really hate myself at the moment. This blog is the only place I can really let these feelings out.

I can't think of a plan to get myself out of this horrible place. All I can think of is that everyone round me is talented in some way - and I don't seem to be able to do anything right. I can't even get a job in the profession I have been in for over 30 years.

I feel unwanted, unvalued, unloved, and unnecessary. I also feel incredibly wimpish and self pitying.

I hadn't realised how much I relied on affirmation from others to make myself feel worthwhile. I don't have anyone giving me that affirmation at the moment.My plan to sort that out seems to have failed miserably.

Nothing is working and I don't know what to do

1 comment:

Sally said...

The present is what slips by us while we're pondering the past and worrying about the future.

- Ziggy, cartoon foible

How do you keep everything in perspective?

Is there anything that Ziggy doesn't know? In the cartooning universe, he's often placed in hopeless situations, pitted against a world that doesn't make sense. He's an agreeable punch line for the quirks of human nature. Yet he's able to brush off his mishaps and focus on the opportunities that today brings. He can also look to the future with hope, knowing full well that more struggles may lie ahead. Most of all, he can look at himself and have a good chuckle. Do you make yourself anxious about things that might happen or stew over mistakes you've made? Don't let a preoccupation with tomorrow or yesterday rob your ability to face that crazy world with a smile. For Ziggy, today is today. It's not a good day; it's not a bad day. It's a day. And he knows that it's important to give that day the value it deserves.

An apt peice of advice from the ever helpful Sparkpeople