Thursday 20 May 2010

Cancel Clear delete

'Action is the only way anything ever gets done. Sitting around and waiting for life to happen to you will only guarantee one thing: that you're not going to end up with a life you love.'

The above quote if from Sparkpeople - and on a day when I have taken action towards getting some sort of work, it makes me feel quite good about myself.

Yesterday I did well with exercise. I did another 20 minutes wii fit jogging.

Food is still a big issue. I am not sticking to Paul's golden rules - but I am eating fairly healthily.

One of my oracle cards today was 'Cancel Clear Delete' The explanation in the book is that this indicates I need to keep my thoughts and words positive. If negativity does creep in then suggested action is to 'dry wash' my hands to clear the negativity away while saying 'Cancel Clear delete' to 'reboot' my positivity.

I do think it is significant I got this card today - and it is the first time I have ever picked it - to remind me now I am in a more positive mindset I need to stay that way.

Another card I got was simply 'Business' Since I had already decided what actions to take to increase my chances of getting reiki patients it felt like confirmation I was on the right track.

It does all feel as if suddenly things are going my way. And that does help me do better with Paul's rules

When you are hungry eat - I do that

Eat what you really want not what you think you should eat. Normally that is OK

Eat slowly - I am struggling with that but still eating alower than I used to

Stop before you are full - that is the biggest porblem. I must end my membership of the 'clean plate' club

I will 'cancel clear delete' my food issues eventually

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