Monday 3 May 2010

Have I found the way out? Day 1 of a new approach

I am not going to repeat here all the events of yesterday. They are in my psychic journey blog. But yesterday I went to he park for the first time in days and managed to jog - very slowly - from the entrance to the park to the lake and all the way round the lake. I jogged close to 1k.

The difference was the speed. I have realised that is a fabulous object lesson for other areas of my life. I am expecting results from my advertising too fast. I am eating too fast.

I have also realised I currently have no positive feedback from ANYONE or in any area of my life at the moment. When I was working even if it was dire, there would always be something that gave me the signal I was doing a good job and was valued.

So my most urgent task is to find ways I can get positive feedback that I can give to myself.

I think at the moment the easiest way is to use the blog to set myself goals for the day (realistic goals) and review them the following day. I think I need one goal in each key area .

My exercise goal for today is to jog all the way round the lake again.
My food goal for today is to only eat when I am truly hungry.

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