Sunday 2 October 2011

Changes changes

This blog isn't JUST about weight loss and a journey to a healthier lifestyle - it is also about me managing the changes in my life . When I started it, it was in response to to the trauma caused by Alan's death. I was still in full time work at the hospital - and hadn't even HEARD of reiki.

If I had been told then where I would be NOW, I would have laughed and assumed it was all a huge joke. But here I am over 3 years later, a reiki practitioner, hypnotherapist, psychic reader, developing medium, and a locum pharmacist. I have also survived a REAL cancer problem, as opposed to the low level false alarm I had at the start of my year of two thousand and hate.

For the first time I have a realistic chance to earn money doing something else apart from pharmacy. And yesterday I had an amazing experience when I did a favor for the organisers of the psychic fayre. One of their regular clients was very distressed, had a horrendous headache, and Karl asked if I would give her some reiki. I did, I also gave her the benefit of my counseling skills, and advised her she could do with some regular counseling to help her sort herself out. By the end of 15 minutes she was much calmer, her headache had gone, and she was asking for my card so she can make an appointment with me for some more reiki and/or maybe some hypnotherapy to help her with her problems.

That has shown me I AM on the right course. I needed ALL my skills to help her, including my pharmacy skills as she is on anti-depressants. And strangely I am going on a CPD course on Friday all about hypnotherapy with mental health issues. So if she DOES feel hypnotherapy would be useful, I will be more confident about NOT causing problems because of her mental health issues.

Of course she may never ring up - but there is a realistic chance she will. Also Shaz ha said she has been considering hypnotherapy - so she is an almost guaranteed client if she goes ahead.

So there are a number of signs I am in for some changes in my life again - but this time they are planned, managed and WANTED.

I haven't been a disciplined as I should be last week with exercise, eating or with my HPD portfolio. But next week I am back to work - that always makes more disciplined.

But I have seen things that make me realise I have absorbed Paul's golden rules. Last night at dinner I couldn't finish my main course. And I didn't even think about a full english breakfast at the hotel. I wouldn't have enjoyed it.

So I am thinking much more about my eating decisions. And I have a chance to do some hypnotherapy with people who want to lose weight. So I know that will help me focus on my own eating issues.

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