Tuesday, 4 October 2011

Yesterday was back to the grindstone with the hospital - and it was VERY busy. I didn't leave till 4.45. As I walked to work, and walked a lot round the hospital I can certainly say I 'moved my body'

I only ate one of my sandwiches at lunchtime. I wasn't hungry for the other one. But I did eat it later when I was hungry. I also went for a walk round the outside of the hospital . I decided it would help me clear my head. Also we are approaching the time when I hardly see daylight. So if I can get inot the habit of taking a stroll outside at lunch it will be good for me in so many ways. I tried that tactic at Russels Hall - but it felt awkward because I didn't have a badge and always had to wait to be let into the department

I have bene thinking about the group 'weight loss' session I am hoping to do. Trying to think about the most common mistakes people trying to lose weight make. I think it has to be eating when they are not hungry, and not really listening to want their body is telling them it wants. Now is that because those are MY main mistakes? I know I want to therapise myself too but I must be careful to listen to what my clients tell me as well.

I need to design a questionnaire for such clients to fill in. I also found myself wondering how much Sarah would charge for me to use that downstairs room at her Bournville salon. Its great feeling creative.

So I am feelign upbeat - but rather achey this morning. I am hungry so I will eat in a bit, then all I have to do is my meditation and then get ready for work. O have just over an hour to get it all done. Its all such a rush at the moment. But it feels like a good rush.

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