Thursday 13 October 2011

I have been feeling rather poorly this week. I have caught Tony's cold . So I haven't been doing much of anything apart from resting. I tried 10 minutes on the wii fit 2 days ago - and it knackered me. Yesterday I walked to the post box and back - a round trip of just over 600 steps (I counted my steps one way) and it knackered me. The mere thought of the walk across the park to work fills me with horror. My legs just don't want to hold me. So I have to accept my limitations. However I also don't have a huge appetite so I guess it all works out. Frankly I need to focus on getting fit enough to go back to work next week - and anything else is unimportant. Normal service will be resumed NEXT week

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You obviously need lots of rest Sally.

I hope your feeling better soon
