Thursday 6 October 2011

I have been very productive this morning. As well as the normal kitchen sort out, I tidied the living room . I have a client coming for hypnotherapy and while she will only be passing through the living room, I want to make a reasonable impression on her. So the floor by the bookcase is clearer, and the coffee table has a visible top to it,

The area round the pc is still pretty um........ chaotic is the best word I think.

OK so how am I feeling this morning? Well I am hungry - so I am eating breakfast as I type this. This is good because I eat slowly, but bad because I am not giving the food my full attention, But it is very nice. One weetabix with a kiwi fruit and fromage frais. I am so glad I found fromage frais. Its much healthier than yoghurt.

The weather has turned very autumny over the past 24 hours - and a complete contrast to the heatwave we had on Monday and Tuesday. It isn't raining - but it has been - and more rain is forecast. It is going to take discipline to walk in future I think. But at current petrol prices, using the car would be ridiculously expensive for a drive of less than a mile. And the parking problems at the other end are ridiculous. So I am sure I will be good and walk - even in the snow.

I am full of plans. Plans for running a weight loss group session, plans for getting in touch with DAT's, plans to contact local surgeries to see if having a tame hypnotherapist is something they would like. And the bid one - plans to book a room at the college and see how much work I can get.

I can enquire about that one tomorrow.

I haven't stepped on the scales - or used the wii fit for days. Part of me wants to, the other part of me is scared t incase I have put on weight. But I know if I am sensible about what I do I WILL be losing weight . I need to work on not eating when I am NOT really hungry. Biscuits and coffee in the evenings are very nice. I must think about why I feel I need biscuits. If I wasn't eating biscuits I would be really confident about my eating.

I must dash or I will be late to work. I have 35 minutes to meditate shower dress and get out - and I haven't made my lunch yet. Time to stop talking and start doing!

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