Saturday 29 October 2011

Not sure what's got into me today! I had a lie in till nearly 8, then got up . Having 4 cats is not compatible with staying in bed in the morning! My intention was to chill use the laptop, watch tv for a bit. But I got the urge to use the wii fit. 30 minutes and 3450 steps later I am having breakfast and my second cup of coffee. For some reason the wii fit is my friend at the moment

OK I wrote that a little under 2 hours ago. In the meantime Steve has been over to tell me he has a job interview, and then asked for a lift to do some shopping. I have just got back from that.

The job interview is quite a feat as he has only been looking for 2 months. Its for an assistant manager at a new Sue Ryder shop that will be opening in Kings Heath. Of course having an interview isn't the same as having a job - but clearly his CV isn't putting people off.

So I have been shopping - including laying in some treats for the inevitable trick or treaters. I dislike trick or treat - its an american holiday that has only made its way over here because we see so much american tv. I am just a bit of a Grumpy Old Woman about it to be honest. But Like so many other people I give into the gentle blackmail. Thank heavens Steve never wanted to go trick or treating. Hallow E'en was always a difficult time in our family because it was Alan's late brothers birthday - and always drove him to drink.

I sometimes wonder if a medium could ever bring David through. I never met him because he died in 1964 - but his death had a massive impact on me thanks to its effect on Alan and Edna.

But that is stupid thinking. I am feeling inspired today. I am going to do some home cooking - we have lots of fresh vegetables that I can do some wonderful stuff with. I am thinking some home made soup could be delicious - and healthy. Cooking is very therapeutic. But I do need to find some meditation time as well - and the portfolio may be a lost cause today :-(.

For a day when I intended to chill and do my own thing how come I feel I don't have enough time to do everything?????

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