Friday 28 October 2011

I AM TIRED. I am SO glad its Friday and I will NEVER commit to doing a fullweek again. Sorry Little Aston. 3 days a week is my maximum for EVERYONE.

I overslept, well to be honest I was awake but couldn't get out of bed. I have meditated VERY briefly but I've made the effort, and I am blogging VERY briefly, but again I am making the effort.

I really haven't been sleeping well this week. I've had a letter from my consultant telling me my thyroxine levels are still a bit too high - which could be why my sleep has been a problem - but I don't think so. Officially I need to wait for my GP to tell me what my new doses are - but knowing what I do about my drugs I've jumped the gun and I've only taken 100mcg today. I will take 150 tomorrow which works out at 125 a day. I will ring my GP and see if I can find out what I should be on.

And my sleep problem? I suspect NOT driving 40 miles a day will solve that problem.

Next week I am going to get going with my portfolio. In fact I will work on it over the weekend. I want to focus on my hypnotherapy and reiki as much as possible. Its MUCH less stressful than Pharmacy!

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