Friday 21 October 2011

I am doing battle with the lurgy again. I sould have realised when I felt I needed to use the car to get to work. I ended up leaving work at lunchtime - and am not going in today.

I MUST be fit for next week at Little Aston - and I will be fit. The work at LA is much less stressful than at ROH. I am sitting down most of the day and it is much slower paced, much less walking, and much less pressure. I actively WANT to go to Little Aston. Plus I can see possibilities for getting hypnotherapy and reiki clients via Little Aston.

I have told Emmeline I am NOT working more than 3 days a week in future. I can't do it.

Interestingly in my meditation yesterday morning I saw Jonas and he led to sit down on the bench in my glade - and I got the idea he was advising me to take things easy. I didn't remember that until after I got home from work yesterday.

What mistake did I make to end up in this situation? I let ROH talk me into booking more days than I really wanted to do. I overestimated my ability to recover from the lurgy. I underestimated the physical stresses of working at ROH.

Basically I overestimated my physical capacity to do things. I AM nearly 60, I HAVE had cancer and surgery this year.

I have been focussing so much on 'moving my body' to get healthy. I need to turn my focus from that to what I eat. That means dealing with my snack habit. Can I use self hypnosis for this? Of course I can. I just need to work out what images to use.

Time to put my thinking cap on

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