Tuesday 20 September 2011

Yesterday was a strange mix of good and bad. I walked to work then did 10 minutes on the treadmill before I started.We were down to a skeleton crew but luckily the hospital was quiet so we coped well. But I have managed to lose my mobile, and last night I ended up snacking on chocolate brownie bites last night.

Steve popped in to tell us about his first visit to the job centre, and he wasn't feeling well. I am now not feeling well either so I am wondering if I have caught it from him.

This morning I feel TIRED and I ache . My eyes are a bit watery, I have the beginnings of a headache and I although I feel hungry I don't really fancy anything. I have a couple of slices of toast in front of me which I don't think I am going to finish.

The ache could be from the treadmill. The other symptoms could be my imagination looking for an excuse not to go to work. But the tiredness is very real. I have been pushing myself over the past month. I think I am doing too much.

So do I go to work or not? My instincts are to stay home - but I am concerned my desire to stay home, and all the symptoms prompting me to stay home, are psychological rather than physical.

I have done my spiritual exercises this morning. I did the same as yesterday and did them before I did anything else. The card I picked was 2 of swords - a conflict. Well I do have an internal conflict this morning.

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