Wednesday 14 September 2011

I was so disorganised yesterday morning I didn't get time to blog. WEll lets be honest I couldn't focus. I couldn't meditate at all. But despite that yesterday was a good day.

I will be handing in my cases today to Nick to try and get my certificate. My goal was by the end of the month and I am way ahead. Next move is to get my portfolio done. I realise I've wanted my first hand in, so I will now have to complete the whole thing before second hand in, to hopefully get it right by third. I wonder what happens if its still nit up to scratch on the third?

Yesterday I also used the gym at work for the first time. I treated myself to a top and pants in a size 18. They fitted. And I looked at the pants I wear at the hospice and they are size 20. I was worried the 18 wouldn't fit but it was fine. Now I need to try to get into those jeans I bought ages ago but can't get into.

I only did 10 minutes on the treadmill yesterday - as well as walking to work and round work. I did a lot of that yesterday. But work was quiet so I left early. It was great. That gave me the time to cook proper food for dinner as well as get my cases ready to hand in.

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